Peter Tour 2003 (Trip to Nana's)
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Peter in Sunny Boca Raton, Fla.
Peter's 5 month's old and growing!!! )He was actually just shy of 5 months during the trip).

Here's my great-granmother on Daddy's side Nana!!!

Hey, I'm slipping here!!!

Hope my 19+lbs. isn't too much for Nana.

Last picture before our ride back. (6:30am)

Here I am with Nana's youngest sister Aunt Jo!!!

We'll get you more cantelope if you want it.

Me and Aunt Jo!

Aunt Jo and Uncle Gary.

Hamming it up for Daddy!!!

Almost standing!!!

No one can resist my smile, not even you!!!

Ready for the sun!!!

Too cute for words!!!

Nana tries to get in on the act. My hat look much better one me.

The pool!!!

Don't just put my feet in, I want to jump in Mommy!!!

Getting the feet wet.

Why is my bathing suit puffing up? Did I lite off a stinkbomb???

Look at me, I'm swimming!!! (pay no attention to the guy in the sunglasses, it's all me)

Boy, swimming wear you out!!!

Is that a shark I see? Hey Dad, little help over here!!!

Where are my baby shades??? I think I've gone blind. What's that fiery orb in the sky??? I'm a Jersey Baby darnnit!!! Someone get me an umbrella or something over here. Oh, my retina's!!!

Get that cereal away from me, what happened to the cantelope?

Food coma.

Why does Florida have to be so hot!!! Why doesn't Nana use her air conditioning?


Don't know why they gave me the shopping list, I can't read yet!!!

Thanks for checking out my pictures, come back soon!!!